Daily Archives: May 7, 2020



1 . Get involved – and get to know people: Making connections and building a campus support system is essential. And you need to be on campus to do this . The more time you spend getting to know the college, the more comfortable you will be here. Take advantage of unique programs and educational opportunities, get involved in clubs…

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Benefits of Private Tutoring

Benefits of Private Tutoring

Private tutoring is becoming increasingly popular, which is hardly surprising as it is particularly effective in improving not only a student’s academic grades, but also their practical understanding of wide range of subjects.  There are many reasons why receiving tuition can have such a positive impact on a student’s abilities.  Here are 8 benefits of private tuition for students. 1.…

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Relation between Student and Home Tutor

Relation between Student and Home Tutor

What to Observe during the First Lesson? After getting recommendations from either your friends or a tuition agency, your next task is to observe the first lesson between your child and the tutor. These are the few key points to observe (from a non-intrusive manner):                Any communication barriers between the child and tutor? Is the tutor is able to explain…

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The importance of the family in education

The importance of the family in education

All education professionals’ focus on the family as a vital agent in their children’s teaching and learning process. A good family-student-school relationship will make our children great talents because they feel supported in their upbringing. For children, education begins at home and continues to progress in school, but without the right relationship between the professional and the family, this educational…

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